My name is Amber Kopcza, and I’m the founder of The Spiritual Whisk where we Feed The Soul and Stir Up Positive Change. I am a Health, Wealth & Mindset Coach. I help women bridge the gap in order to ignite their inner soul fire after having exhausted their resources and self-esteem from toxic relationships. We accomplish this by creating a mindset makeover in order to remove the roadblocks of past trauma, self-doubt, and judgment to consciously create the life that you want and deserve. It is my intention to create an intimate community that uplifts and supports one another. In doing so, we improve ourselves and reap the rewards of helping others. We grow together, learn compassion, love harder, dig deeper, grow richer, embrace authenticity, uplift lives, and discover meaningful support through every unique and personal experience. If you want to build a positive mindset and unlock your Healthy, Wealthy, and Spiritually-Fulfilling Lifestyle, then you are in the right place.

Feed your soul and stir up positive change with powerful, pragmatic exercises that go beyond warm and fuzzy to challenging and courageous.



Live life to the fullest by making consistent, positive choices that allow us to look and feel great, have more energy, and live out abundant confidence.

Reconnect with our true selves, taking all of the turmoil-filled parts our lives that cause us conflict and turning them into a storehouse of wisdom, genius, talent, and abundance.

Now is your time to shine.  To show the World your Brilliance.  To share your gifts and lead others just like you down the vibrant path that awaits!

I am a very busy mother of 2 now College girls, a wife, and family business partner. Throughout the years of running around after the girls – making sure they were going here and there and getting them there on time, meeting business obligations, making time for family and friends and making sure that the family unit was a well-oiled machine I lost myself – completely! I used to be a runner – and then I stopped. I used to be confident in how I looked and then when I looked in the mirror I just doubted everything I put on and I was uncomfortable in my own skin.

I used to have a passion for life and everything about it. Somehow my life became about everything and everyone else – my life became heavy, and so did I. I gained weight, started feeling bad about myself, and couldn’t find anything positive to say. I was just going thru the motions of everyday life. I didn’t know what was wrong with me – but I knew something was wrong and I needed to do something about it.

And then I found Amber.

Through her program I got my life back. I started working out again, laughing and feeling happier. I even found myself planning for the future and retirement.

My relationship with my husband and family got stronger, the passion had come back into my life – I found my purpose. People commented on how I looked – there was a shift that happened. I walked lighter and if you can believe this my speech was lighter, kinder.

If any of this sounds familiar I recommend you call Amber. It will be the best investment you could possibly make IN YOURSELF!

Deborah O
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